About Us

PMC Ltd is a privately owned company, located in the city of Sliven, Bulgaria. Company's corporate activities include the following:

  • Development and production of thyristor rectifiers for the needs of battery manufacturers. Our rectifiers are installed and succsessfully working in several manufacturing plants in Bulgaria, France, Germany, Tunisia. Among our customers are the global leader Enersys, Monbat Plc, Start AD, Elhim Iskra JSC.
  • Design, development and production of different types of testers (for laboratories, end of line) for all major battery factories in Bulgaria. The testing laboratories in "Enersys" plant in Targovoshte and "Start" Dobrich are mostly equipped with our testers. "Monbat" PLC , "Elhim Iskra" JSC , "Start" PLC are using our production line testers to evaluate every battery in regular production. Significant amount of our equipment (testers, galvanostats, potentiostats) are installed in Bulgarian Academy of Science.
  • Other developments and implementations for battery factories: specialized electronic scales, precise measuring devices, management of wastewater treatment plant, etc.
  • Development of PC-based software for management, data acquisition, analysis and reporting as well as control of technological processes.
  • Development and production of custom, specialized controllers and software for them.
  • Design, development and production of electrical panels and cabinets for variety of different end user applications.
  • Management and control of machines and production lines for the metal processing and printing industry.