CDT 100A / 60V

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  • Input : 3 x 380V / 50Hz
  • Output : 1 x 100 A / 1 x 60 V
  • Circuits per cabinet : Up to 1
  • Parallel work : No

Main features

  • Power supply : 3 x 380 V / 50 Hz;
  • Maximum output current in charge and discharge mode : up to 100 A;
  • Maximum output voltage : 60 V;
  • Mean square error of measurement and performing of the current: less than or equal to 0.25%;
  • Resolution of current : 0.1 A;
  • Mean square error of measurement and performing of voltage: less than or equal to 0.05%;
  • Resolution of voltage : 1 mV. Measurement of voltage for each cell independently;
  • Number of cells in the output circuit 16;
  • Galvanically isolated measurement of voltage with reference electrode - 16 cells simultaneously (32 channels)
    • of each cell;
    • on one of the poles against the reference electrode. ;
  • Measurement of temperature for each cell - 16 channels. Each measurement channel is galvanically isolated;
  • Work modes
    • Charge and discharge with constant current;
    • Charge with constant current and limit by voltage;
    • Charge with constant voltage;
    • alternating between charge and discharge in one program step.;
  • Programmable operation. The program can be set by a PC or by the embedded autonomous controller;
  • Built-in microcontroller that allows and provides
    • Autonomous operation mode without PC;
    • Temporary storing test data while there is no connection with PC, and subsequent transfer when connection is reestablished;
    • Visualization of main parameters-current, voltage, accumulated amperhours, etc;
    • Auto restart of test program after power breaks.;
  • Built-in protection for current, voltage, open circuit, phase failure and overheating;
  • Returning energy in the grid in discharge mode;
  • Physical break of the output circuit of the tester from the tested batteries in operator or emergency stop;
  • Electronic commutation when when switching between charge and discharge which allows operation in the so-called "Pulse Mode";

Software features

  • Creation and editing of multi-step test programs,
  • Uploading, starting, stopping and interrupting of test programs,
  • Visualization of tester’s current state on main window,
  • Storing sample measurement data for all tests in a database,
  • Visualization of stored data from database, drawing charts etc.,
  • Printing report data,
  • Export to Excel.