CDT 100A/18V

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  • Input : 220V / 50- 60Hz 3 x 380V / 50-60Hz, +10/-15 <3200VA
  • Output : 0-100 A; 0-18V in charge mode, 4-16V in discharge mode
  • Circuits per cabinet : Up to 1
  • Parallel work : Yes (up to 6 circuits)

Main features

  • Power supply: 220V / 50-60Hz +10%/-15%
  • Power: < 3200 VA
  • Number of independent circuits : 1 (galvanically isolated)
  • Output current in charge and discharge mode: 0-100 А
  • Max.output power in charge mode (per channel): 1800 W
  • Max.output power in discharge mode (per channel) – depends on ambient temperature: 1600W (t <=30°C) 1100W (t=40°C)
  • Output voltage in charge mode: 0 - 18V
  • Output voltage in discharge mode: 4-16V
  • Cells in output circuit: up to 8 (depends on battery types)
  • Analog inputs
    • Battery voltage measurement channel - 1 (-5V to 20V);
    • Potentials measurement with reference electrode for each channel - up to 2;
    • Temperature (for each channel) ;
  • Work modes
    • Charge;
    • Discharge;
    • CV, CC;
    • CP;
  • Protections
    • Overcurrent;
    • Overheat;
    • Output current deviation;
  • Built-in LCD indication visualizing : current program and step, output current and voltage, amper and watt hours, power, program work time, program status etc;
  • Built-in LED indication for test status (Power,Ready, Run, Alarm)
  • Buffer memory for storing process data and events;
  • Programmable sample time
  • Local and remote control (Start , Stop, Resume, End, etc.)
  • Real time clock with automatic adjustment from the PC
  • Integrated galvanically isolated RS 485 serial interface for parallel mode operation and connection to an external data logging system
  • Calibration using a system of parameters set by using a keypad and an alphanumeric display
  • Automatic resume of a test program in case of interrupted power supply and its subsequent restoration